Journal of Insan Mulia Education
Journal of Insan Mulia Education is a high-quality open-access peer-reviewed research journal published by the Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. JOINME provides a platform that welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers in the field of education written by researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners.
Science Education and Development Journal Archives
Science Education and Development Journal Archives (SENDJA) is a science education journal published by the Insan Mulia Bima Foundation. SENDJA is published twice a year (every April and October) as a means of scientific publication by researchers from all of various academics in natural science education study. The editorial team accepts articles from educators, observers, natural science education researchers for publication after going through rigorous selection, peer review, and serious editing.
This journal provides a forum for sharing and disseminating research results in the fields of Education, teaching, development, Education projects and innovation, learning methodology and learning technology. The focus and scope of Science Education and Development Journal Archives covers the following topics: Science Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, Physics Education, Environmental Education, Pedagogical Technology Content Knowledge, and other studies related to social, culture, religion context that is integrated with science teaching both at the formal and non-formal levels.
Spiritus: Religious Studies and Education Journal
Spiritus: Religious Studies and Education Journal, is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Yayasan Insan Mulia, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on religious studies (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published every four months (3 issues per year)
Council: Education Journal of Social Studies
Council: Education Journal of Social Studies is a scientific publication journal that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies in the development and innovation of Social Studies education, as well as various other fields of social sciences. The journal also aims to present conceptual thinking outcomes about Social Studies education and encourages holistic and comprehensive research on various aspects of social phenomena in community life.
Council: Education Journal of Social Studies with e-ISSN: 3025-7816 is published regularly twice a year, in January and July. The journal welcomes scientific ideas and research findings from academics and researchers from all over Indonesia. Articles published in Council: Education Journal of Social Studies are expected to provide original contributions to the understanding of social sciences and offer new insights to readers, academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Each submitted article undergoes a peer-review process to ensure its quality and sustainability as a reliable source of scientific information.
Champions: Education Journal of Sport, Health, and Recreation
Champions: Education Journal of Sport, Health, and Recreation is a high-quality open-access peer-reviewed research journal published by the Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. Champions provides a platform that welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers in the field of education written by researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners.
Assets Journal: Management, Administration, Economics, and Accounting
Assets Journal : Management, Administration, Economics, and Accounting adalah sebuah jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang manajemen, administrasi, ekonomi, dan Akuntansi, namun tak terbatas secara implisit. Semua publikasi di Assets Journal : Management, Administration, Economics, and Accounting bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun.
Engineering: Journal of Mechatronics and Education
Engineering: Journal of Mechatronics and Education is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the fields of science and technology mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, informatics engineering, and control engineering but not implicitly limited.
All publications in Engineering: Journal of Mechatronics and Education are open access which allows articles to be freely available online without any subscription.
Expert Net: Exploration Journal of Technological Education Trends
Expert Net: Exploration Journal of Technological Education Trends adalah jurnal penelitian yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima dengan mengimplementasikan Jurnal Open Access.
Expert Net:Exploration Journal of Technological Education Trends menerbitkan artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang diterbitkan 3 kali setahun yaitu periode Februari, Juni, dan Oktober. Artikel yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini adalah hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup jurnal diantaranya: (1) Education Technology, (2) Multimedia, (3) Gamification, (4) Web Education, (5) Application Mobile Education, (6) E-Learning, (7) Vocational, (8) Computer Network, (9) Software Engineering, (10) IT Innovation and Educational Trends, (11) Mobile Learning, (12) Mixed Learning.
Insights: Journal of Primary Education Research
Insights: Journal of Primary Education Research is published by the Insan Mulia Bima Foundation. Indonesian Education Ideas is a peer-reviewed journal published in Indonesia. Insights: Journal of Primary Education Research contains research publications in the field of basic education and early childhood.This journal aims to accommodate articles resulting from research and community service results in the field of education and learning, especially in elementary school and early childhood.However, the main aim of this journal is to share thoughts about education which have an impact on improving the quality of education both in Indonesia and throughout the world in the field of basic and early childhood education.
Insights: Journal of Primary Education Research is published twice a year, namely in March and September. All articles published by Insights will have a unique DOI number since Vol. 1, No. 1 March, 2024. This Journal use Anti Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity of the article. Indonesian Educational Ideas has been indexed and archived by Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, and others.
Jurnal Ilmiah Insan Mulia
Jurnal Ilmiah Insan Mulia adalah jurnal penelitian peer-reviewed akses terbuka berkualitas yang diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. Jurnal Ilmiah Insan Mulia menyediakan platform yang menerima dan mengakui makalah penelitian asli empiris berkualitas tinggi di bidang multidisiplin ilmu yang ditulis oleh peneliti, akademisi, profesional, dan praktisi.
Galaxy: Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA dan Teknologi
Galaxy: Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA dan Teknologi is a high-quality open-access peer-reviewed research journal published by the Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. Galaxy: Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA dan Teknologi provides a platform that welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers in the field of education written by researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners.
Galaxy: Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA dan Teknologi is published twice a year, namely in Juny (Period I) and December (Period II).
Responsive Law Journal is a high-quality open-access peer-reviewed research journal published by the Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. Responsive Law Journal provides a platform that welcomes and acknowledges high-quality empirical original research papers in the field of law written by researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners.
Healthcare: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
HEALTHCARE: JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN is a health journal published by the Yayasan Insan Mulia Bima. Healthcare: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan is published twice a year (every June and December) as a means of scientific publication by researchers, academics, professionals and practitioners in the health sector. Editors accept articles through strict selection, peer review, and serious editing.
This journal provides a platform for sharing and disseminating research results in the Health sector which include: Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition, Public Health, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Radiology, Pharmacy, Medical Analysis, Environmental Health, Boitechnology, Hospital Management, and other health fields.