All scientific work submitted to Pelita Journal must comply with the focus and scope, as well as the predetermined writing guidelines. Every submitted manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin plagiarism software. Every manuscript submitted will go through a review process. The review process uses a double-blind review. In the review process, Bebestari partners provide considerations related to novelty, scientific impact, conclusions and references used.

The reviewer's decision will be taken into consideration by the editor to:

  1.     Accept Submission (accepting the manuscript)
  2.     Revisions Required (manuscript needs to be revised)
  3.     Resubmit for review (sending the manuscript back)
  4.     Resubmit elsewhere (sending the manuscript to another journal)
  5.     Decline Submission (rejecting the manuscript).

Scientific papers are rejected for publication for several reasons, namely:

  1.     The article does not match the scope of the journal.
  2.     The article does not follow the rules of the Pelita Journal writing guidelines.
  3.     Errors in the use of methodology.
  4.     The author rejects suggestions for improving the work without logical reasons.
  5.     The work is indicated as plagiarism with a similarity of more than 20%.